6 September 2016


I'm mooching round the garden

as Mum's got the evil dyson on

and it makes a dreadful noise

so I think the best thing to do

is to sit here quietly and try to ignore it.


  1. That is the best thing to do, Hannah. I don't like our sucky monster either and hide under the hedge.

    1. We both hate the sucky noisy beast too but unfortunately we don't have a hedge to hide in!

  2. Such a good idea Hannah, to just stay outside with Mom in there making all that noise. You sure are looking very pretty. Be sure to tell Lucy that Tees is up on the blog today.

  3. Evacuate! We both hate the sucky monster. We need a good vacuuming at the Shelter but we don't want to stress out the cats.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser and Rufus the Red

  4. You are in a good place for that evil dyson. My mom said I was going to have to deal with the sucky monster today!

  5. I think that is the purrfect plan, Hannah. At least you can enjoy the lovely sun while your mom makes a racket inside. Purrs!

  6. You're lucky you can go out into the yard when the Dyson comes out. We have to hide under the bed.

  7. Good idea pretty Hannah! Our Dyson sure growls a lot too!

  8. Hannah we know EXACTLY how you feel!! WE are afraid of the evil vacuum!!!

  9. That's one good time to go hang out outdoors!

  10. That's the best thing to do when one of those evil vacuum is on duty ! Purrs

  11. Yesterday was cleaning day at our house. Fiona stayed in the closet and the rest of us took to the catio! Well, except Giulietta, who isn't bothered by any of the commotion. Looked like a nice sunny day to spend outside. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. Oh, no, not the sucky monster! My kitties don't like it either.

  13. Good idea, I hope she doesn't vacuum up your chicken.

  14. It's nice that you can get out of the Dyson's way. We have to hide in the closet and hope it doesn't come in there. Sometimes it does!

  15. Mooching is definitely a better choice than listening to loud noises. Mooching is peaceful...

    Love and licks,

  16. hannah...sorree bout de vacuum masheen but mumz doin it for yur OWN GOOD az inn vizza bull CHCKN germz waz all over de kitshun ~~~~~ waves two lucy ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  17. We wish we could go outside when that noisy beast is going!
    Still, it never tries to suck us up :/
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
