16 June 2016

It's our Birthdays today

Hello everybody

It's our Birthdays today

and we are going to be 6 years old

Happy Day to Us !!

Thank you for the lovely pictures Ann.

We hope you will all come and join us

as Mum is going to do lots of food for everyone.

If anyone would like to do some fence walking

we can arrange for Mum to stand with anyone

who hasn't done it before in case they wobble a bit.

By the way if anyone has a glass of something too much

they can always sleep it off on Mum's bed.



  1. A very Happy Birthday to you two. What great graphics. Ann has done it again, a great job. Hope you two have a fantastic day but we know the Mum will make sure of that.

  2. Happy birthday Hannah and Lucy. We'll join you on the fence.

  3. Happy birthday sweet girls!

  4. Happy Birthday, girls! We hope you both have a wonderful day. Y'know, it's Wally's birthday today too. :)

  5. Happy Birthday Hannah and Lucy! We would love to try fence walking!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. Although you can't hear us, we're singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Hannah and Lucy! Have a wonderful day, full of lots of snuggles, chicken, treats, and nip!

  7. Happy birthday, sweet Hannah and Lucy. We're glad you're going to be friends for the celebration. (Jan says you sound like some of us.)

  8. HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to both of you!!

  9. Very Happy Birthday lovely girls.

  10. Happy Birthday!! Many more, dear ladies! Rescue stories are always touching (I am a rescue kitty, too), but loving homes after are even sweeter.

  11. Happy Birthday Hannah! Happy Birthday Lucy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May your special day be filled with love & cuddles and treats & nip. Lots & LOTS of the nip, for sure.


    PS. I'm up for some fence-walkin', for sure! purrs

  12. Happy birthday sweet girls!
    Party time! Whoo hoo!!

  13. Happy birthday to you both! Six still is young, a great age. We hope you've been having a wonderful day.

    We also you're doing well, your mum too. We're not blogging anymore, obviously, but do check Facebook once a day or so.

    Purrs and peace.

    Nicki and Derry (formerly Fuzzy Tales)

    1. Hi Kea - Have been going to Facebook recently but have found it too much with the blogs as well. It was nice to hear from you.

  14. Happy Meowday bootyful girlys. Hope your day is purrfect.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  15. Happy Birthday Hannah and Lucy! I hope you get chicken and catnip and lots of cuddles. XO

  16. Happy Birthday Hannah and Lucy ! We would love to do some fence walking with you ! Purrs

  17. Happy Birthday Hannah and Lucy - coming right over to join you for a fence walk!
    Purrs ... Rainbow

  18. Hannah & Lucy !!! a MOST happee day two ewe gorgeous galz & heerz ta another 60 !!! we send best fishes...mice creem dishes...happee day wishes & NOE BURD....♫♪♫♪ hope yur day total lee
    rocks, ya getted lotz oh cake, we WILL walk de fence with ewe both, N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  19. Happy Birthday to you both! We'll have a drink or two!

  20. Happy Times Six (Twice) to two special furriends!
    Love to you both,
    Maggy, Zoey and Dougie Dog

  21. Sorry I'm running late. Happy Birthday beautiful girls!!!

  22. Happy birthday, Hannah & Lucy! These graphics are wonderful. This is a great party and we think your mum's bed sounds like a great idea!

  23. Happy Happy Birthday to two incredibly sweet girls!!!!! We love you sooooo much! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  24. Happy birthdays, Kitties! Hope you're having a great day to start the best year ever!

    Love and licks,

  25. Happiest of 6th mutual Birfdays ta both of you. May there be so many more!

  26. Happy Purrday!!!! We hope you had the best day ever.

  27. We're sorry we are later but we had to stop in and wish you a very happy birthday!!

  28. Oh no! We missed your special day, Hannah and Lucy! We love you both lots, and hope you had a most wonderful celebration! Happy belated Birthday!

  29. Hannah and Lucy, we are so sorry Mom didn't turn on the puter so we could find out it was your birthday!! Do you realize that we are all the same age? We think that's really cool. Hopefully you both had a super awesome day filled with catnip! Purrs and soft paw pats to both of you!!

  30. We are sorry we missed your birthdays! We hope you both had a wonderful day!
