3 May 2016

In the Garden


We've had lots of rain recently

but today the sun is shining

so I took the opportunity

to peek through a gap in the fence but what

a waste of time there was nothing interesting to see!!



  1. I hear rumours the weather is gonna get nicer over the next few days Hannah so wiv a lit of luck sumthingy interesting might happen behind the fence!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Oh no Hannah, nothing going on in the neighborhood??? Maybe a little later. You all have a great day.

  3. Well, that's too bad. Hopefully something fun will be going on later for you to see, Hannah.

  4. But Hannah, you never know...there could have n\been Purrince Charming to meow at on the other side. xox

  5. Well, you sure have a handy spy hole there, Hannah! Hopefully next time there will be something fun to gawk at on the other side. Purrs!

  6. Awww... That kinda sucks, huh? You took the time to take a peek through that peeking spot and everything and then there was nothing there to see. Maybe next time. Yeah, I bet that next time there will be something on the other side of that ol' fence, for sure. Purrs, Seville

  7. We're having quite nice weather here too, Hannah. And lately, there has been a Muscovy duck roaming around our garden!

    The Chans

  8. Can you please send us some sun, we are not expecting any until Sunday.

  9. that is one impressive fur coat you have going on there.

  10. maybe if you go back your neighbor Anna will be there? catchatwithcarenandcody

  11. That's a good job of snoopervision ! Purrs

  12. hannah....de bee ewe tee oh that iz...nothin ta see.... all sew equalz noe burd !!! like rite now we iz lookin out de window N.....cranbereez..ther went one ~~~~~~~~ waves ta lucy ♥♥♥

  13. The gap in the fence is brilliant! Sooner or later, something interesting is bound to show up.

    Love and licks,

  14. Hannah, we are glad you had some sun! Too bad there was nothing to see.

  15. Nothing to see?
    Then just enjoy the sunshine :)

    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  16. Don't give up pretty Hannah, something might show up!

  17. Hannah, next time you should work on a plan to widen that gap so that you are able to potentially see more!;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  18. Well, at least you have some nice sunshine while you wait for something to appear on the other side of the fence, sweet Hannah. :)

    Hugs to you, Lucy and Mum!
