4 November 2013

Slithering like a Snake

It's very windy here today

and when the sun is behind the clouds

it is quite cold. 

My furs have got quite ruffled up.

I think I'd better hurry up and get further round

where I can jump down and stand up again

instead of slithering like a snake.


  1. It must be REALLY windy in your town, Hannah!

  2. It sounds like being inside might be the best option, Hannah! It's windy and a little rainy here too this morning.

    The Chans

  3. Sweet Hannah!! You have gorgeous furrs!! We hope you are now safe and sound away from the winds!! Yay!

    Hugs too to adorable Lucy! Take care

  4. Gosh Hannah, that was very smart of you to slither so you don't get blown away.You furs look good all wind blown. Have a great day.

  5. It has also been windy here too, but hope you are enjoying the calmer weather today as Kizzie is.

  6. Oh so floffy your fur is :)
    It was very windy over here too , yesterday !

  7. It's sunny but chilly here today.

    Have a great day.

    The Paw Relations

  8. Don't fall, Hannah! Thank cod you have that thick fur coat!

  9. Stay low, Hannah. We don't want you to get blown off of there!

  10. Please be careful, Hannah. We don't want the winds to blow you off!! Maybe you can go inside for a while where it's warmer :)

  11. Ooooh it does look cold there. Hope you get a nice warm nap today.

  12. Oh that fur! lol! I would find a cozy indoor place to get out of the cold.

  13. It looks quite windy up there, Hannah! Hurry up and get below, where it's safe and warm!

  14. Hannah we always love seeing your furrs beautifully swaying in the wind. It reminds Mom of Wuthering Heights ... go figure!

  15. What an impressive fur coat you have Hannah, the wind really works to reveal your magic.

  16. hannah...we due knot blame ewe...snakes iz stoooooooooooooopid....az bad az burds...ore taran toola snakes......sew yes pleez get inn side...eat a nice bowl oh trout soup, meowloz ta lucy anda happee mackerull monday !!

  17. That looks mighty windy and brrrrrrr. It looks like you're going to have to spend a long time putting your furs back in place.

  18. Keep safe and wind free pretty Hannah!

  19. It is very windy here too, but at least the sun shone.

  20. We have not walked in the wind,but it looks difficult.
    We also do not like our furs blown around.

    Purrs, Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  21. Mommy said she hates HER fur blown around so I can imagine yours blowing around. Mom keeps hers covered if she can with a hat.

  22. Its sure looks cold. Maybe your mum will have a little snuggle with you when you go inside.

  23. lol... i have to say we like our sun baths. must find one soon!

  24. Hannah, you have the prettiest, most plush and lovely furs for a snake!! :p Heehee. Now be careful up there!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  25. Oh, sweet Hannah we are sure happy that wind didn't blow you off that roof. It has been real windy here too. You keep safe while out in the wind sweetie. Hugs and nose kisses
