15 November 2013

Friday Fun

Mum found a ball under the fridge

and tossed it to me to play with.

I grabbed it and held it tight for a while

before I left it against my tummy.

Then I gave it a good long bunny kicking!



  1. Hi there Hannah, good to see you. Our Person was worried about all of you. That does look like a fun ball.Hope all of you have a great day.

  2. What a fun thing for your mum to find. Good to see you giving it a good bunnykick, Hannah!

  3. What a colorful ball! Bet you missed it all that time.

  4. Hi there, pretty Hannah. Oh, the bunny kick is the best part of all, isn't it? :)

    Hugs to you, Lucy and Mum

  5. Hannah you're having lots of fun with your new found toy! GO girl!!!

  6. That looks like one fun ball :-)

  7. bunny kicking balls is soooooooo much fun!

  8. Oh that looks like fun, can I play too? Skipper

  9. Good job - those balls are a little tough to bunny kick!

  10. Looks like you were having such fun Hannah! Our mom needs to clean out from under the refrigerator. We just know there a lot of great toys hiding under there.

  11. You show that ball who's boss, silly Hannah!!MOL...Happy weekend, sweet , beautiful friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  12. grate job hannah...ask yur mum to see if her can find sum looze 50's and 100's under de sofa...dont kick THEM tho...just divide em between yur self N lucy...meowloz anda happee week oh end with NOE BURD and lotz oh pie two ewe both !!~~

  13. Now that it's getting cold, it's always good to warm up a ball properly before playing with it!

    The Chans

  14. Those NEED bunny kicking! xoxox Keeps them in order.

  15. Balls are fun to bunny kick aren't they Hannah. Mum laughs at me and asks me why I don't find something bigger to bunny kick.

  16. Found toys are the best!!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  17. You look like you were very happy to have your ball back!

  18. I have a secret stash of treasures under our fridge! ...sadly my arms are too short.
    ; ) Katie

  19. But you didn't put it back under the fridge? Mom is always flushing out our toys from under our fridge. She gives them back to us, and we bat them right back under again! MOL. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
