25 August 2011

Thankful Thursday

Oh dear - here comes Lucy
I hope she doesn't want to play cos I feel a sleep coming on  

I know I'll pretend I'm asleep

thank goodness she's gone out

peace at last

ps  We would like to thank everyone who left a comment yesterday - when mum comes back we'll get her to do the sums and we'll send the commentathon money to SAS.


  1. Hannah, You may pretend to be asleep and thank goodness for Lucy's gone out ! but I'm here !!!..Pile On !!!! Peace not last..ha..ha..ha feel my 7.1 kg. heh..heh

  2. You're so lucky Lucy bought your "pretend to be asleep" look. It NEVER works with Cosmo. He'll jump on top of me and bite even when I'm REALLY fast asleep.

    Love, Ling

  3. Oh good Hannah, you avoided Lucy for the moment anyway. Hope you have a great nap. You sure look comfy.
    That is great that you had the commentathon yesterday. We know Judi appreciates it. Take care.

  4. Enjoy your peaceful nap lovely Hannah!!! Me and Charlie hope sweet Lucy will go and play with mum instead! Yay! Take care

  5. Oh that was a close call, Hannah! Enjoy your nap!

  6. Good trick, Hannah. But does Lucy do the same to you in return? :-P

    P.S. Tell your mum that our mom is 5kms from work and some of the flowers she snaps are in a park (once in a while), but most of the time she "sneaks" up people's driveways and snaps the pics. LOL. Sometimes the human will come out, but so far they've never minded, always have been flattered/pleased that the mom's enjoying their gardening efforts.

  7. Hi Hannah & Lucy! Its purry nice to meet two very lovely ladies. I'll play with Lucy any time Hannah wants a nap!

  8. That was a very close call! Enjoy your nap!

  9. The old fake sleeping trick...works every time!!!

  10. I'd pay out in catnip for a bit of the peace and quiet you seem to have right now, Hannah! The neighbours are making such a racket, and I'm trying to fit in my afternoon snooze!

  11. We hope your peace lasts! At least for the afternoon... :)

    the critters in The Cottage

  12. There should be a law about naps being disturbed, with hard labor (and lots of litter box cleaning) as the punishment. Then you would never have to worry about being disturbed!

  13. You fooled us! And here we thought you were really snoozing...

  14. Here in OK we call that "playin possum"! Clever girl, trying to fool your sisfur. Haf a pawsome day. xoxo

  15. Now I want to come over there and bonk you out of that bed Missie Hannah!!!

    bonkbonk and bonk!

  16. Hi girls!!!! I´m sending too many kisses for you!

  17. Hannah that was a good feit to get some privacy from Lucy.

  18. Be careful! Lucy may be sneaking up behind you.

    Thanks for posting the memory graphic of Beignet on the sidebar.

    Mom Paula
