18 May 2010

Keep Fit Part II

On the second day of your exercise regime touch your butt with your nose while holding your right back leg aloft and hold for a count of 10. Put leg down and repeat with your left back leg. Do this exercise three times on both sides.

BTW if you are sore from yesterday's exercises do check with your meowmy before you continue on this exacting programme.


  1. Getting all toned up for bikini weather??

    I better get my volumptous rump in gear!

    Purrs Shade

  2. Oh lovely Lucy - you are so flexible!!!! You are doing an advance yogic pose (nose touching butt with leg up!)with such ease too!

    Me and Charlie are full of admiration!

    We are waving our very tired paws and hands to gorgeous Hannah - we are tired because of following her very difficult exercise regime - phew!

    take care

  3. You're so flexible Lucy!
    You could be a dancer!

  4. Ooopps - Lucky can't do this yet.
    Still got this funny cone to me head.
    Will have to skip this!

    Love, Lucky

  5. Oh, my, that's such a vigorous exercise regime you're following, Lucy! We're exhausted just watching you! Hmm, maybe you could put out a video, so we'd know what to do and could take it at our own pace.

  6. Lucy, you're gonna be in shape in no time!

  7. That looks so easy when you do it!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  8. I definitely agree about keeping fit. However, I'll just do this one time each side. That should be good enough for Me.

  9. Lucy, you are really getting serious about this exercising routine. We just don't know if we can reach our butt with our nose and put the hind leg up too. Yikes. We think it is definitely time for that nap.
    Have a great day.

  10. Oh that might be stretching it a bit!

  11. Hi Lucy! You are very bendable! Nice form! Our mum loves your tail! Thanks for visiting our blog. You and Hannah are gorgeous girls!

  12. We wonder if watching you do these exercises will be enough to tone us up????? MOL xxxxxxx

  13. This is a hard one! This will take time.

  14. Looking good sweetie; we are impressed with the workout regimen you and Hannah have undertaken=bikini, here you come!!MOL...kisses...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  15. look at you putting your feets up over your head like that? how come you are single? heeheehee.

  16. Our Mommy was totally ready to do exercises with you today...but for some reason she said this one's gonna get skipped...hmph!
