8 July 2016

Clean Tails and Dirty Dishes!


I kept rubbing Mum's legs

to get her attention and got a dish of chicken.

I wish it had been twice as much

but she said I was putting on weight - how rude!!

However to placate her I went outside
and waved my clean tail at her so I must be a size smaller now.



  1. So many humans seem to have a complex about weight! Don't worry, Hannah. You look wonderful as always.
    Purrs ... Rainbow

  2. You look just fine to us Hannah. That is all just lots of fluff. So more food for Hannah.

  3. Oh no, Hannah, not the great weight insult! Well, good call with the whole tail waving. I'm sure that did the trick. Purrs!

  4. Hmmm, so that's what it takes to get a plate of chicken. We think we may have been doing something wrong all this time!

  5. That was very rude. I am sure your fur is extra fluffy from the warm weather.

  6. Hannah, we didn't realize how floofy your tail is. Meowvolous! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  7. Your mom said what? Yes, that is definitely rude!

  8. Hannah, we're going to have to try that tail waiving exercise. It sounds like a great one and it must sure work fast! Hugs and love to you. Thank you for visiting us on the loss of our Domino. We appreciate you dear Friends.

  9. You are perfect the way you are!
    Have a super Sunday...

    Noodle and crew
