1 December 2011



Much as I love to sniff silvervine

I've discovered it doesn't taste so good

and another thing

it's hard to spit out!


  1. Not sure "what" silvevine is ... but we're with you on this one: yuk, and yuk again!

  2. We don't know what silvervine is either, but it looks very yucky.

  3. That does look like it tastes terrible. Hannah, next time, don't try to eat it. Hope all of you have a terrific day.

  4. Oh lovely Hannah!! LOL!!! Me and Charlie think you had to try to discover it's yuck! LOL!! Aww hugs to you and sweet Lucy! Take care

  5. Really?? We'll remember that if we ever get some silvervine! We love to eat catnip!!

  6. LOL! Maybe we'll stick with nip, then, Hannah!

  7. I,ve never had that stuff but I will remember that too, thanks for telling us!

  8. We don't know what that is but your face says it all!!! MOL

    Thank you for all your visits and purrs for Yoko - Mom has had her hands full trying to keep up with all of us!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  9. Oh No! Haf Mommy scrape it off your tongue! Yukky! We've nefur heard of silvervine befur.

  10. I also do not know what is silvervine - but that just means that there is something on the market that Mommie has not bought for me. Doesn't she know that I want it ALL!

  11. MOL! LOL! BOL! OMG. That is super hilarious. Sorry, Hannah...

  12. We've never heard of silver vine but it does appear to be quite sticky.And a little icky.Is it the poor cats' nip? Cause if it is you need to talk to the servants about your disdain.....

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  13. Poor Hannah, we don't know wot it is but we don't want to try it now, mousies and Dreamies taste best of anything. Rappy, Jetikins and Calli

  14. The Big Drawback of having a tongue with barbs that point inwards!

  15. Ew, that don't look tasty..
    BTW, our mummy loves your new Christmas theme on your blog!

  16. *ick*
    What is silvervine?
    Hannah it sure doesn't look very appetizing.

  17. We have never heard of silvervine but sweet Hannah if your face is any indication of how it tastes we will pass. Hope you got it all spit out. Hugs and nose kisses

  18. Like others, we are not sure what silverine is, but we find this post really funny. We love your face, Ms. Hannah.

  19. We HATE when something get s caught on our tongues! The mom runs to get if off before we do internal damage. Then we run around trying to flick it off or eat it with the mom close behind.

  20. Mommy is wishing she could have some for me to try but it's from another Country I think...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hahah ... Poor Hannah!! :)

    I think, it wasn't really the taste of it (as cats love to lick silvervine..), rather, it got stuck on her palate! heheeheheeee

    Love the last photo ... I can see the leaf on her tongue!
