29 October 2011

Dish of the Day

Hannah is waiting

to be served up

for lunch


  1. Oh...oh.... very cute lunch...

    pawhugs, Max

  2. Awwwww sweet Hannah!! You make a very beautiful dessert!! Yay!!

    Hugs too to adorable Lucy! Take care

  3. Oh noooos Hannah, are we having you for lunch. That doesn't sound right. We would prefer some chick hen please. You had better get out of that pan. Hope all of you have a fantastic day. Take care.

  4. Oh how sweet! I won't want to eat you for lunch, Hannah but I won't mind having you served up for cuddling!

  5. Hi Hannah,

    You are too sweet!


  6. We hope you didn't have to wait long, Hannah!

  7. That darn room service staff can be so slow sometimes! Y'all have a great weekend!

  8. Not served up FOR lunch? Mom would eat you with a spoon! xoxoxox

  9. Looks very tasty! Can we have ours "to go"?

  10. Beautiful Hannah is being such a patient sweetheart=a real lady!...We hope you lovely girls have a great weekend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  11. Tomorrow you will have lunch an hour earlier ! Isn't that nice ? I never knew if I had to put the clock one hour back and when one hour forth until an English friend told me fall in fall and spring in spring !

  12. Hi Hannah and Lucy,
    Saw you on Brian's blog and though We would come over and say Hi!
    I am an animal lover big time!! We don't have lots of green papers so we can not have a lots of animals, but we try to have as many as come by!!!
    xx, Happy(cat) & Fern (MOM)

  13. You sure are being very patient waiting for your meal.


  14. Well I would love that dish as its a cute one for sure.. Hugs GJ xx

  15. LOL!! You are not waiting for lunch but waiting for being served as lunch :-) You are too cute to eat!!

  16. Oh no, ruuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn!
    You are too sweet for anyone to eat. They would get a tummy hurt plus we wouldn't be able to visit you anymore.

  17. You are a delicacy for sure Hannah!!!

  18. Teehee that's a silly kitty!

    Have you ever been by our blog, www.PetBlogsUnited.com? We love to feature you sometime as our Weekly Featured Blogger.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  19. :::heheheh::::
    We bet you had other ideas...like lunch being served to you on that plate.

  20. Lunch, second lunch, or first dinner, it's all good!

  21. Are you the fancy centerpiece? We hopes that you can sit still long enough!

  22. Mica Moo's greatest fear is being lunch! This is much scarier than Halloween. She hopes the entree is a tasty fish.

  23. Happy (cat) just walked up to the house an said Hi I have come to live with you and I never turn down an animal hungry!!! I will feed what ever comes by.
    Happy has lived with us almost 14 years now and the vet saw her in the first week she was here and he said she was 5 to 7 years old. Which makes her 19 to 21 years old now. Wow she is old!!
    Thanks for your visit today!!! As I said in my last post I am having trouble doing much sewing now a days. I am blind in one eye and losing the sight in my good eye. I can't drive any more b/c of it!! I have more fabric then I could ever use if I was sewing everyday like I use to. Thank you so much tho!!
    xx, Fern

  24. Hahahaha -- kittehs for lunch! Do they "taste just like chicken?" =^..^= P.S. I just love your long white bib!

  25. Hannah, you do look sweet enough to nibble on...lol Mom said, not me MOL
    xoxo Kassey

  26. Hannah, you look good enough to eat but I could never eat a kitteh, so I'd just cuddle you instead!

    Simba sits just like you, but on the draining board, waiting for his breakfast, lunch or dinner; and if he noms it all and is still hungry, he sits up again, staring at his bowl until I refill it! :)

    Found you on Marg's blog - and she's right, you do have a wonderful blog!

  27. She sure does make a lovely dish!
