14 September 2011

Not Wordless Wednesday


Please send lots and lots of purrs for ML

She has a furry bad infection in her hand due to a bitey.
We hope the doctors make her feel better soon.


  1. Me and Simba will do lots and lots of purrs for ML and we will also throw in a load of nose bumps too :)xxxx

  2. Purrs from me send to ML right away !

  3. I don't know who ML was so I googled to find out more. The infection does sound pretty bad. I hope the stronger antibiotics work and ML feels better soon.

    Missy Blue Eyes? You could learn from Lucy here. You can lay down those biteys on those cutesy little pillows instead of your Mommy's hand. :)

  4. WE certainly send tons of purrs to ML that she get all better really soon. Lucy, that is so nice of you to do this post about ML.

  5. Purrs and hugs to ML!! Oh dear!! Me and Charlie hope she gets better asap!

    Have a peaceful restful Wednesday gorgeous Lucy and adorable Hannah! Take care

  6. Lucy looks so cute putting the bitey on her toy.

    Some bitey's aren't so cute, though. We saw that ML's second round of antibiotics are working even though she has some numbness.

    It looks like she'll be fine after all.

  7. We went over and wished her well and hoping her hand gets better yesterday. Humans need to take cat bites seriously every single time. Purring hard for her recovery.

  8. We are purring for ML and hope her hand is better soon. Our mom has had a bad cat bite on her hand (not from us!), so she knows how much it can hurt!

  9. sending you lots of get well purrs! Rio from Barcelona

  10. Purrs already going to ML!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  11. Even Mommy is purring..and I certainly am. I so sorry this is happening.

  12. We are on it! We are sending purrs and waggies to ML in the hopes she recovers quickly!! :)

    the critters in The Cottage

  13. I read about that - it sounds like a nasty bite! I am purring that it heals up!

  14. Lots and lots and LOTS of purr for ML who does so much for all of us!

  15. Sending so many purrs to ML!!!!

  16. I so hope ML is feeling better soon. The bitey picture of yours is gorgeous.. Hugs GJ xx

  17. We are purring very hard fur her! xoxo

  18. We are purring for her too! We never knew how bad kitty bites could be until Julie bit Mica Moo last year. Mica had surgery, drainage tubes, solitary for almost a month, lots of meds etc.... We hope ML gets better soon!

  19. We are purring for her too! We never knew how bad kitty bites could be until Julie bit Mica Moo last year. Mica had surgery, drainage tubes, solitary for almost a month, lots of meds etc.... We hope ML gets better soon!
