5 September 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

Here is a stand off on the fence - both girls want to go in opposite directions

Neither will give way but Hannah decides to take matters into her own paws

the question is where's Lucy disappeared to?

The answer is in our neighbours garden.  
Hannah being a somewhat larger lady cat than Lucy decided that if Lucy wasn't going to back off she would take control.  She tried to go underneath her to pass but as she is somewhat bigger and heavier than Lucy she  toppled her into our neighbours garden.  Fortunately a bush broke her fall and after a good wash she climbed back up unhurt but very miffed!


  1. MOL! Look how puffed up Hannah is in the first photo! Poor Lucy. Thank goodness only her ego was hurt in this little episode. :)

  2. Poor Lucy! Lucky I have no siblings to do this to me.

    Thankyou for coming to help me celebrate. Please visit again.

  3. MOL, don't tell but we're laughing! Next time please take a video...

  4. Poor Lucy, I can kiss you better : )
    And Miss Hannah.. You are really funny... MOL
    Have a great day

  5. Ladies, ladies, ladies--there's plenty of fence for you both! Make nice! :-D

  6. Oh Lucy, how embarrassing. Glad Mom was there to help you. Also glad you got in a good clean after you were pushed off. Really.
    Your friend Tees is gone again, that norty boy.Hope all of you have a great day, and Lucy stay on top of the fence.

  7. Lucy, Tees said to tell you that he is home again. We just wanted to tell you that he isn't as norty this time. Take care.

  8. Hannah, Lucy..girls, you must share the passage way.

  9. Poor Lucy! Good thing kitties land on their paws! I hope the rest of your day is better. Could Hannah be getting you back for pooting at her the other day?

  10. Okay...so Hannah won this round. Next time, Lucy, next time!

  11. I'm glad you weren't hurt sweet Lucy!!!

  12. Aww poor Lucy! You look like a limber kitty, though...I'm sure you made your fall from the fence look as elegant and as "on purpose" as possible!

  13. Poor Lucy! Thank goodness that bush was there!

  14. Awwwwww!!! Poor Lucy!! Yay that you're ok!!! Me and Charlie know that gorgeous Hannah didn't mean to! Big purrs and hugs to both of you sweet girls! Take care

  15. You girls really play rough! We are glad Lucy is okay!

  16. Hannah your new nickname might just have to be "Bulldozer"! :p

    the critters in The Cottage

  17. Dear Lucy, such ABUSE from your sister!

  18. Poor Lucy! I'm glad you're all right. Maybe next time you'll do the pushing!

  19. I would be miffed, too! Haf a great day anyways! Purrs and headbutts.

  20. Your Mum needs to build you two an overpass!

  21. uh ohh! too proud to give way to each other!

  22. Well, nothing like taking matters into your own Paws, huh, Hannah?

    Luf, Us

  23. Gee, that's the sort of thing Georgia would do :o

    Purrs Tillie

  24. Girls, surely there's got to be a better way! ;)

    Glad to hear Lucy was unscathed, though. :)

  25. Oh Lucy! I am glad you were okay!!

  26. We have push-shove here all the time. Well, sometimes. Anyway, it's fun to see other kitties doing just like us! We can all sympathize with both sides!
    (((hugs))) for you, Hannah
    (((hugs))) for you, Lucy

  27. All is that ends well, the hoomans say. We're so glad you're OK, sweet Lucy.
    xoxo Kassey
