23 September 2011

An Award

We have been given this award by Boomer at Whisppy's blog - Thank you Boomer.


It is called "Premio Destellos Brillantes en el Cielo Azul
(Bright Flashes in the Blue Sky Award)
and asks us to describe what we dream or wish for most in the world.


We wish no people were  going to keep dogs and cats and let them breed at will as this leaves many kitties or woofies with no furever home.

We came from a house that had over 100 cats living there but we were lucky enough to be rescued by the RSPCA and were neutered, innoculated and micro chipped .
We had to stay there for a few weeks while this was done and then we were put up for adoption and we were taken by our mum to a loving home.
Unfortunately not every cat is so lucky as we were although at least we don't have to destroy fit animals in the UK.
We have to pass this award on to 5 more blogs and we have chosen....... drumroll

My Friend Fluffy
Oliver and Ruby Chronicles
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
Athena, the Torbie Cat
Lisa, Lisa and the Cat Jam 


  1. That's a very good wish! There are no "no-kill shelters" here and many stray animals caught are kept in horrible pounds until they are euthanised. Until everyone neuters their animals, this awful scene will continue to happen.

  2. You have listed some very good wishes. We hope we can come up with a list as good as yours! Thank you for the award!!

  3. We love your wishes and say thank you for passing the award to us! Oliver, Ruby and Rose x

  4. Conga rats on the award. That is such a nice award and you two couldn't be more deserving. Good to learn some more things about those gorgeous kitties. Take care and have one heck of a week end.

  5. What a wonderful award - congratulations sweet Hannah and adorable Lucy!! Yay for kind wishes and for your own wishes coming true when you were rescued and when mum found you two! Yay! Take care

  6. That is a beautiful award and you have made a wonderful wish! We are so happy that you two have such a good home now!!

  7. That is a very fine wish girls, we agree wholeheartedly!!!

  8. Congratulations sweetest girls. What a loving thing to wish. Thank you so much for coming to see me while I was in the hospital. xoxoxox

  9. Concats on your award.

    What a purrfect wish, sweeties. We are so thankful you were rescued and that your wonderful mum adopted you.


  10. Purrfect wish girls! We desperately hope it comes true! We've never heard of any of those bloggers you listed so we will enjoy looking them up!!

    the critters in The Cottage xoxo

  11. Well said, Hannah and Lucy. Kizzie's mum was abandoned because she was pregnant, so this resonates with us.

  12. Congrats and may your wish travel to heavens. We're happy to check out some new blogs.

  13. Those are wonderful wishes! Concatulations on your award - you ladies deserves it!

  14. I love your wish! And I don't understand how the UK can have such a civilized approach to homeless pets and cat care (i.e., no declawing), while the US (where we live) has so many barbaric practices. It makes my human very unhappy.

  15. We think you have the most superb wish, ladies. We second Sparkle's comment; poor 'Vester really misses his front nails.

  16. Congratulations on the award... Great blog post....

    pawhugs, Max

  17. I just stopped by to let you know that I have enjoyed reading through your blog and your archives. You are a “Noteworthy Archive Award Winner”. You have some great posts hiding in your archives and this award will let others know that it is well worth their time to take a walk through your archives. Congratulations and enjoy!

    In the spirit of the Genuine Blogger Award, there really is no obligation. Post the award badge to let others know that taking time to search through your archives is well worth the walk. We all have dusty archives that need brought back to the top of the pile again.

    If you want to help another blogger shed light on a few dust bunnies, then go for it. As you visit fellow bloggers, take a moment and dig into their older archives to find a post you have not read. Let others know that you have found “Noteworthy Archives” worth digging for by leaving a message in their comments! Do the same if you are just checking out some new blogs.

    Stop by and pick up your award badge here...


  18. Concatulations! The award couldn't have been given to two better kitties than the two of you! We are purry happy for you.

  19. Concats on your award...
    Wow 100 other cats. WE know that must have been very hectic and chaotic for you. WE are so glad that you are now with your Mom and being well loved and cared for.

  20. Congrats pretty ones! I wish you wish come true!!!

  21. What a well-deserved award, sweet girls! :)

    we are so, so glad you have found such a loving forever home.

  22. Congrats!!!!!!!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  23. Concatulations on your award and we share that wish!

  24. Thank you for passing on the award to me! I love your wish and I hope it comes true.
